ProAttach II


A ProAttach II Kit makes it possible to 
attach a Warmoth Pro-Construction 
Side Adjust Neck to a Fender Contour 
Heel Body or to a modified body. 
The Contour Heel Project below 
began with a Warmoth 4 lb. 5 oz. 
Ash Hardtail Body and a 22 Fret
 Pro Construction Quartersawn 
Goncalo SRV Neck.


1) Contour Heel Layout Below. 
2) A spruce dowel is glued in short 
of the neck pocket surface. 
 3) Files, 220 and 320 sandpaper 
form the contour. Note the 
black dot for drilling.  



1) Below: Checking insert screw 
protrusion and preparing to 
trace rail outline. A supplied 
 machine screw secures 
the rail for tracing.
2) Plunge drilling shallow holes 
for the rail recess followed by 
cleanup with a chisel. Inserts 
are optional and not required.


1) Below: The recess depth is slightly
     more than the rail thickness. 
2) Inserts installed and the rail is 
attached to the heel ready for 
assembly. The forward rail 
screw moves the load closer to 
the original 4 Bolt pattern.


The Installed Neck Is Rock Solid.

  No Longer An...


Contour Heel Body, ProAttach II And 
A Warmoth Side Adjust Neck...
A Truly Awesome Guitar.


Includes: ProAttach II Rail,
Rail Mounting Screws, Rail 
 Machine Screw, Dowel, 
Instructions, USPS Shipping.

.Currently Out Of Stock


Installation requires skills 
and tools for working 
on guitars, experience with 
setup procedures and
  Warmoth neck particulars.
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